Molecular MuseumThis project revolves around the question of networking heritage and methods for a deterritorialisation of the museum. It engages directly with the museum's collection and is being realized in the form of interactive educational projects around Catalonia in 2007 and 2008 and concluded by a laboratory at MACBA in June 2008. Educational Projects: Express Art Portable MuseumProject for early childhood and primary education studentsThis project offers resources for work in the classroom, allowing time for an in-depth study and understanding of elements that were only touched on during the guided tour. By opening this up to schools, we can propose and answer a variety of questions about Contemporary Art, all of which are directly linked to different works of Art in the MACBA Collection. For further information klick also here. Lectures on a collectionProgram for secondary education and high school studentsThe project also includes two parts: the first takes place in the school, with the help of a CD, which the MACBA provides to the center and which is conceived as a tool to help teachers prepare the visit to the Museum. For further information klick also here. Laboratory: Molecular Museum: Can Cultural Heritage be Organized Through Non-Territorial Networks? Towards a New Kind of InstitutionalityLaboratory at MACBA, Barcelona The laboratory is structured around presentations of case studies and
experiences with institutional models that are light, precarious and
deterritorialised as the starting point for a new, different
institutional model, a kind of post-colonial museum to replace the
dominant model that was established in the 19th century, generated by a
geopolitical and cultural order determined by the emerging culture of
industrial and colonial capitalism. What is the museum for the
post-industrial, post-colonial age? Participants: For further information klick also here. |