s onu stranu postkolonijalizma: proizvodnja globalne općosti

Postoji li globalna općost u postkolonijalnom svijetu? Nažalost, izgleda da je danas čak prelako odgovoriti na to pitanje: globalnu općost, znamo, nemoguće je naći u starom modernističkom pojmu univerzalnosti – jer se on pokazao kulturno specifičnim –, a ni u u normativnoj jednakosti partikularnih kultura koje se uzajamno priznaju. Umjesto toga, valja ga tražiti u neprekidnom procesu interakcije i međusobnog miješanja kjulturnih razlika, u procesu koji nazivamo kulturalno prevođenje. Taj process ima svog vlastitog subjekta: novog homo duplex-a našeg vremena koji proizvodi, uživa i teoretizira tu novu općost transnacionalne, globalne kulture. Istodobno, međutim, u svojoj političkoj artikualciji on slijedi isti stari model kulturalne partikularnosti, ukratko, koncept države-nacije. Tako današnji homo duplex pravi politiku od onoga što u kulturnom smislu prezire. Ono pak što kulturno obožava, za njega, naprotiv, nije ni na koji način politički upotrebljivo. Otvoreno se suočiti s ovom kontradikcijom možda je najteža zadaća našeg vremena.

Hito Steyerl
As a global working class, the working class of today is just as subaltern as the Italian peasants of the south in former times. Yet how can the people who are set in a transnational relation to one another by the flexible production chain of contemporary capitalism articulate their relationship to one another?
Ina Kerner
Critical Whiteness Studies are a flourishing project – both within the academy and beyond. Drawing on current publications in this field in German, and focusing on the notions of whiteness and of white privilege which are employed here, Ina points to some of the particular strenghts, as well as to current limits of the whiteness debate.
Isabell Lorey
Zur Unterscheidung zwischen Norm und Normalisierung
Ein zentrales Thema der Kritischen Weißseinsforschung ist die Problematisierung von Privilegien. Doch in ihrer auf Normen fokussierten Analyse inthronisiert sie nicht selten erneut ein weißes Subjekt zur eigenen Immunisierung.
Nikita Dhawan
Migrant Hybridism versus Subalternity
What are the consequences of a “discursive colonization” of subalternity by metropolitan postcolonialism? Is there a conflict of interest between migrant hybridism located in the “first world” and the indigenous subaltern woman in the rural “third world”. What is the postcolonial feminist to do in the face of her complicity in the failure of decolonisation? These are challenging questions that need to be addressed in the German-speaking context.
Vera Tollmann
Das globale Gemeinsame im Internet muss erst übersetzt werden
Da das digitale globale Gemeinsame nicht für alle erreichbar oder gleich bedeutend ist, also nicht von einer globalen Gesellschaft genutzt werden kann, weil das angebotene Wissen etwa nie für alle von Interesse ist, von allen verstanden werden kann und schlicht und einfach für einen Großteil nicht zugänglich ist, bleibt es ein uneingelöstes Versprechen.
Brigitta Kuster & Moise Merlin Mabouna
Videoloop, 7 min., 2006
Welche Perspektiven ergeben sich aus den Re-Präsenzen der Kolonialgeschichte in der Migration? „Note d’intention“ zu einem Videoprojekt von Brigitta Kuster und Moise Merlin Mabouna.
Hito Steyerl
Postcolonial Critique
The debate on cultural globalization also often involves so-called postcolonial theory. What does this encompass?

thematic strands

kritika kulturalizacije procesi društvene rekompozicije s onu stranu postkolonijalizma: proizvodnja globalne općosti oblici mnogojezične prakse vs. politika nacionalnog jezika all texts...

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